Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

We bring...

  • We offer industry-leading technologies and methodologies to address the issue.
  • We Develop scalable and extensible AI and ML architectures for today’s cloud stacks.
  • Build rapid prototypes for fast testing.
  • We use a research-based approach to develop new algorithms, a combination of machine learning models and customized handmade algorithms.

Focused differentiators

  • Scalable solution accelerators – Smart Data Extractor for research and documentation.
  • A high-quality and highly motivated workforce.
  • Demonstrated methodologies and subject matter expertise.
  • Absolute value for time.

Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

  • Intelligent Search and Document Data Extractor, which are customizable solution accelerators.
  • A workforce that is focused on quality and is highly motivated.
  • Tested techniques and subject-matter knowledge.
  • Better time efficiency.


The unique cognitive automation capabilities of Avalon provide speed, precision, and cost-effectiveness that are not possible with a human workforce. Our Data Extractor technology automates laborious, time-consuming document-based procedures with high accuracy, scale, and higher efficiency thanks to enhanced pattern matching and advanced machine learning techniques.

OCR & image processing

With better identification accuracy, our OCR pipeline handles images that are far less constricted in terms of orientation, skew, folds, poor resolution, and uneven lighting. Applications include bill processing, data extraction from photos, and document image analysis. Innovative techniques are created in order to enhance OCR accuracy. These techniques are essential for completing search and information extraction tasks with high performance.