Oracle CX
Advertising and Customer Experience (CX)
Make every customer interaction matter by connecting all your business data across advertising, marketing, sales, commerce, and service. Oracle Advertising and Customer Experience (CX) offers a connected suite of applications that goes beyond traditional CRM to help you create, manage, serve, and nurture lasting customer relationships.
Build a complete view of your customer and their every interaction—no matter how, when, where, or with whom they engage. Empower your entire business to deliver exceptional customer experiences—from acquisition to retention—and everything in between.
CX and happiness and humor
Five-time New York Times bestselling author and podcaster Gretchen Rubin and comedian Katie Boyle introduce “The Happiness Report,” a new global study from Oracle. The report explores what it means to be happy and examines the role for humor in advertising, marketing, sales, and customer service.
Why choose Oracle Advertising and Customer Experience (CX)?
01Connect your CRM and back-office systems
Unify all your business application data with your CRM applications to align with your customers and deliver on your brand promise. Oracle’s unified cloud platform provides a complete view of every customer engagement, no matter how, where, or when your customers engage, across marketing, commerce, sales and service, finance, supply chain, and HR.
02Power real-time customer experiences (CX)
Unify all your business application data with your CRM applications to align with your customers and deliver on your brand promise. Oracle’s unified cloud platform provides a complete view of every customer engagement, no matter how, where, or when your customers engage, across marketing, commerce, sales and service, finance, supply chain, and HR.
03Use data to understand your customers
Gather customer data points to streamline advertising efforts and create a single, 360-degree customer profile so every customer touchpoint is personalized. Optimize all campaigns and interactions in real time to ensure success. Oracle’s been helping companies drive business value from data for more than 40 years. It’s in our DNA.
04Drive better advertising outcomes
Begin with better outcomes by optimizing advertising investments. With solutions that help you improve audience delivery and protect against ad fraud and unsafe brand environments, Oracle’s suite of adtech solutions (formerly Oracle Data Cloud) can unlock digital advertising success across audiences, context, and measurement.